Monday, January 16, 2006

Where are and whats up ....

We are in Palm Desert, CA near Palm Springs - very nice RV Park - its has its own 9 hole golf course, wireless reception even though weak, 4 swimming pool, and a bunch of other "stuff". Our Komfort is one of the smallest RV/5th Wheels here - there are a number that would go over a million. How did we find this place, easy - ran into a couple of retired educators and they told us about it and we followed them into the park with there approval. It was up to 74 degrees this afternoon and no wind. The reason you haven't heard from us since Friday is that no access to the internet or email - also, our Verizon cell phone wouldn't work at Edwards AFB.
We are going to spend a couple days here and go to Quartzsite, AZ on Wednesday to meet up with the Lo-Ke-Co Sams - and try the dry camping. We have our generator with us so we'll have power for the TV (and we have enough DVD's and Videos to last us a while) but it won't run the AC. We've heard a lot about dry camping down here so we're closer to finding out what its all about. The price is right - FREE.
Go was really happy to see them win. We have to plan next Sunday so we have access to the game. Also, mom was glad to see the Carolina Panthers win... Go Hawks.


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